Friday, September 3, 2010

Back for Second Helpings

Now, where were we? Oh yes, how would I feel after posting an entry on a blog? I have put up my first entry on The Fabulous Projects last night and have received exactly TWO responses and both have been far from lukewarm. Getting back to the point, allow me to describe my humble experience. I should think that this one word would sum it all up nicely in a was EXHILARATING!

In fact, I believe I've got an adrenaline rush (now, who needs alcohol or extreme sports?) simply from penning my first entry, which eventually led me to experience a bout of insomnia. Okay, so it was nothing so serious. It was just my body going to sleep while my mind stayed wide awake sifting through the countless words, in the hopes of some inspiring comments for my second post.

I awoke and there were none. Inspiring comments, I mean. Instead, here I am, taking a stab at writing fictionally:

Boy meets girl. Fast forward several years and voila! It is that time of the year again. No, it's not Valentine's day, it's their anniversary yet again.

You may roll your eyes at me and say 'What a pathetic attempt!' or 'This is so predictable and boring I could die right now'. But I wouldn't want to bore you, now, would I?

Let us draw our attention to a particular highlight during the day that would make it the differentiating factor:

Boy takes girl to the cinema. Boy's phone rings and he whips it out of his pocket. The screen shows a number he is not familiar with, so he places it back. Minutes later, the girl witnesses something curious. The boy has gotten out of his seat and is crouching with his phone in hand, using the backlight to shine into the dark recesses under the cinema seats.
Puzzled, she asks him what he was doing. He then got back into his seat with a sheepish expression and whispered softly, 'I lost your ring!' She felt her eyes widen (I would adopt a similar expression, were I in her shoes). Just then, the lights came on and a thorough search began.
Individually, they combed through each of the rows and three rows down, she exclaimed, 'I think I've found the ring. Is this it?' The boy rushes over to her side to identify it. In her hand lay an exquisite 3-tier ring, with diamonds lining the middle. 'This is the one!' He exhaled. Her face lights up with the sheer intensity of a 1000-watt bulb.
While slipping it onto her finger, he added smugly, 'Y'know, I actually planned this.'
*Silence* Oh, were you expecting a different ending? Well, that's too bad! I can't go around pleasing everyone, or my donkey's gonna fall into the river.

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