Saturday, September 4, 2010

M's the Word of the Day

It's been a while since I had anything to share or even visited this little shared space. I had initially wanted to pen down something in August when I left The Team and also to finally commensurate the end of my journey as a meticulous fact finder. Don't ask what that job entails; I'm already being kind in terming it. In the end, I thought against it as I felt that somethings were better left unsaid at this juncture and yes, I was also being lazy. I'm convinced or choose to believe that The Team understands my gratitude to each of them as I have explicitly stated that it is the people who make the journey SIGNIFICANTLY more bearable (at least for me) in my previous post.

Anyhow, let me just say this - with this 5th post within the first 6 months, I consider THIS a miraculous success as the objective has been achieved and no further yardstick or number of obligatory posting will be set. Well, I don't think that I can claim all the glory and credit must be given to the author of the last 2 postings, which brings me to the first M of the day - Michie !

Much thanks to Michie, who has the most gigantic passion for reading (and a closeted writer too, I must add), this journal has been resuscitated. I have worked closely with this gal over the past 2 years to know that she goes through books like a child eagerly flipping through a comic book, and would spend a fortune on it. Put it this way - many in The Team would, in the words of Ms Carrie Bradshaw, rather see their investments hanging in the closet, period. I think this may just be the outlet for us (at least for me!) to appreciate your stories, whatever you may have to share, and to progressively take ownership of filling up this space to keep me updated when I'm no longer seated next to you listening to your crazy ideas ! No pressure, haha !

Well, the second M of the day refers to Mona Lisa Smile, a 2003 movie featuring nearly an all female cast lead by the oh-so-divine Ms J Roberts, that I revisited lately. I have a penchant for revisiting old movies, but that is because I feel that a good movie with a strong theme never fails to move nor bore me. Set in the 1950s, it depicts of how women from a prominent conservative college were groomed into their life long "role" of being a good wife, serving their husbands at home and bearing his child who would continue this tradition. They were brilliant and educated women, who ironically could not see their own future beyond marriage. At this age of time, I think there are less of these unfortunate events although I'm sure that there are still some gals who seem to invest so much energy into securing the perfect marriage and wealthy husband, only to lose their identity and focus on what's really important along the way. I think like Katherine Watson in the movie, I'm not advocating solely for career and against marriage, but that it is possible to have both. It got me into thinking that at the end of the day, the important story is that once we have establish options for ourselves, we break free from a single fixed popularised mentality which may or may not work for us.

Finally, the last M of the day refers to comedy Modern Family, which totally rocks ! It's so hilarious and I'm so glad that it won the Emmy for best comedy of the year !

Friday, September 3, 2010

Back for Second Helpings

Now, where were we? Oh yes, how would I feel after posting an entry on a blog? I have put up my first entry on The Fabulous Projects last night and have received exactly TWO responses and both have been far from lukewarm. Getting back to the point, allow me to describe my humble experience. I should think that this one word would sum it all up nicely in a was EXHILARATING!

In fact, I believe I've got an adrenaline rush (now, who needs alcohol or extreme sports?) simply from penning my first entry, which eventually led me to experience a bout of insomnia. Okay, so it was nothing so serious. It was just my body going to sleep while my mind stayed wide awake sifting through the countless words, in the hopes of some inspiring comments for my second post.

I awoke and there were none. Inspiring comments, I mean. Instead, here I am, taking a stab at writing fictionally:

Boy meets girl. Fast forward several years and voila! It is that time of the year again. No, it's not Valentine's day, it's their anniversary yet again.

You may roll your eyes at me and say 'What a pathetic attempt!' or 'This is so predictable and boring I could die right now'. But I wouldn't want to bore you, now, would I?

Let us draw our attention to a particular highlight during the day that would make it the differentiating factor:

Boy takes girl to the cinema. Boy's phone rings and he whips it out of his pocket. The screen shows a number he is not familiar with, so he places it back. Minutes later, the girl witnesses something curious. The boy has gotten out of his seat and is crouching with his phone in hand, using the backlight to shine into the dark recesses under the cinema seats.
Puzzled, she asks him what he was doing. He then got back into his seat with a sheepish expression and whispered softly, 'I lost your ring!' She felt her eyes widen (I would adopt a similar expression, were I in her shoes). Just then, the lights came on and a thorough search began.
Individually, they combed through each of the rows and three rows down, she exclaimed, 'I think I've found the ring. Is this it?' The boy rushes over to her side to identify it. In her hand lay an exquisite 3-tier ring, with diamonds lining the middle. 'This is the one!' He exhaled. Her face lights up with the sheer intensity of a 1000-watt bulb.
While slipping it onto her finger, he added smugly, 'Y'know, I actually planned this.'
*Silence* Oh, were you expecting a different ending? Well, that's too bad! I can't go around pleasing everyone, or my donkey's gonna fall into the river.

First and hopefully not the last...

I have always wondered how it would feel like to post something on a blog. I mean, for some people, it's like breathing, as easy as A-B-C. I wondered how people would feel when they read my posts; would they enjoy it or would they view me in a whole new light? Of course, to date, I still have no answer to this question, seeing as how I have yet to put up any posts.

Then came the next mind-boggling question: What would I write about? Did I really want to write an expose on my personal life for the world to pick apart (not that my life is that eventful in the first place)? But if I didn't write about myself, would I then have enough materials to keep the readers suitably entertained?

Out of the blue, an idea struck! It is what I coin as a 'Eureka!' moment. I felt since I was an avid reader (okay, so I don't read non-fiction or biographies, so sue me!), I could write a blog about all the books that I've read and do my part in instilling a reading culture in my fellow country(wo)men! So, I booted my computer and eagerly proceeded to to create my account. Fate had it that I wasn't destined to have my own blog about books. I can feel some of you raising your eyebrows at me. I'm getting to the part... I had no name for my blog!! *sharp intake of breath all around*

Of course I did try to think of one, what do you take me for? But with no inspiration forthcoming, I decided to find some via Google. And there came the demise of my well-thought idea! There were already so many book-blogs around and apparently they read more than I do!! I deflated faster than a pricked balloon...

Weeks later, my grand chance of a lifetime arrived! It came in the form of J and the Twins setting up a new blog (well, you're looking at it!). J then graciously invited me to share my thoughts on their blog and I snapped up the offer quicker than you can say, 'I accept'.

Well, I initially considered making my debut post by blogging about J's first clubbing experience. After much thought, I didn't think that'll be much appreciated. So obviously I had to think of something else to write, and of course the title as well...then I got up to my usual musings and hey, whaddaya know? I've written enough word count for my first post! Enjoy...